
Pedro Carneiro: "Improbable Transgressions"

The marimba is an instrument I like very much, ever from the first time I heard Steve Reich's “Six Marimbas”. The wooden sound of it appeals to me a lot. So I am quite surprised to get this double CD with work by one Pedro Carneiro, who apparently is quite famous in the world of percussion players.

While looking on the net he found there is a whole bunch of people who take works by others and put them in a new jacket, the so-called ‘remix’, even when Carneiro refers to them as Sound Hackers. This inspired him to recorded nine improvisations on the marimba, which are dedicated to nine of these sound hackers, whom would all get a copy of the work to re-work. A lovely little idea, making the remix project into a hyper personal thing.

The only restrictions were to use just the sounds Carneiro recorded and to keep it within the seven to nine minute range. On the first disc, as said, nine strong improvisations. Carneiro has quite a loud style in playing the marimba, but he manages to make the various coloration's of the instrument possible. He's best when he plays a combination of louder and softer material right through eachother. I couldn't help thinking however what the possibilities were in terms of remixing. Over the lengthy course of this CD there is plenty of time of ponder over that - and the length is perhaps the disc's only problem.

The second disc is a bit more problematic. The first six contributions are too much ‘computer doodling' as far I am concerned. You know the drill: open a short sound file in some processing patch in Super Collidor, Max/msp or PD, and let the sounds bounce up and down the scale, change pitch, play backwards, stretch it out, make shorter. The first six don't do a very inspired job, except perhaps Ralf Wehowsky, who sounds alright and takes the material to a level further and João Pedro Oliveira, whose pieces could easily be on a Empreintes Digitalis CD, which is alright but a bit standard.

The final three pieces are the most interesting ones. Brandon Labelle has a completely vague description in the booklet as to what he does exactly but the result is a highly subdued piece of very soft spoken tones Ivan Franco plays a beautiful controlled ambient piece, in which traces of the original are used to collide with the processed sounds. Stephan Mathieu who takes on a Lucier like concept of recording and playing back on two ancient cassette machines, before layering the piece into a dense piece of gliding tones. So a really nice concept not always leads to a nice CD, as the efforts on the second disc are as far I'm concerned a bit half baked.

[CD by Sirr-ecords]

Frans de Waard / Vital Weekly
Photo + image: R.R.



Está a decorrer até 16 de Junho, no Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra, a quarta edição do Transnatura Videolab.

O evento desdobra-se em dois itens programáticos distintos, embora complementares.

Com curadoria do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, “Imagem Pensamento” integra um elenco programático associado a alguns dos pensadores mais influentes do século XX, onde se inclui Deleuze, Foucault e Derrida.

"Imagem-Corpo", com curadoria do Projecto Videolab, apresenta um conjunto de trabalhos na área do vídeo que se debruçam sobre uma das mais curiosas temáticas artísticas das últimas décadas: o corpo.

As sessões têm início agendado para as 21h30, em regime de entrada livre.


(18 de Maio)

“IMAGEM CORPO” - ”Corpo Formal” (“IMAGE-BODY” - “Formalized Body”)

“Tela Humana" VIDEOLAB

“Corpo” o habitante (Portugal)

"Two Thousand Walls (A Song for Jayyous) PETER SNOWDON (Inglaterra)

“Manic Chinatown Bycicle” JEREMY SLATER (EUA)

“The Chase” FRODE KLEVSTUL (Noruega)

“Empieza por la a” JOHANNA REICH (Alemanha)

“Keyframe” ROBERTO ZITOLO (Itália)

“The Beach: (Closed Eyes. Strong Sunlight.)” STEVEN JONES (Inglaterra)



“U.F.O” MOONA (Reunion Island)

“Black White” PRIYANKA DASGUPTA (Índia)


(19 de Maio)

“IMAGEM-PENSAMENTO” (“Image-Thought”)

"D'ailleurs, Derrida" de Safaa Fathy – apresentação por Maria Fernanda Bernardo Alves

(25 de Maio)

"The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick" de Mark Steensland – apresentação por Jorge Rosa

(28 de Maio)

Ciclo de Vida, Ciclo de Cinema – apresentação por José Ferreira-Alves (Centro de Psicopedagogia da UC)

(1 de Junho)

“IMAGEM CORPO” - “Corpo Material” (“IMAGE-BODY”- “Material Body”)

(intro) “Bell” DIETMAR KRUMREY (EUA)

“The Cost of Living” DV8 PHYSICAL THEATRE (Inglaterra)

“Violin Phase” THIERRY DE MEY

“Le P’tit Bal” PHILIPPE DECOUFLÉ (França)


(2 de Junho)

“IMAGEM-PENSAMENTO” (“Image-Thought”)

"Judith Butler, philosophe en tout genre" de Paule Zajdermann – apresentação por Ana Luísa Amaral

(6 de Junho)

"Zizek" de Astra Taylor – apresentação por Jacinto Godinho

(7 de Junho)

“IMAGEM CORPO” – “Corpo Transmutado” (“IMAGE-BODY” – “Transfigured Body”)

(intro) “Loud And Clear” DIETMAR KRUMREY (EUA)


“Words as Adornments” NATHANIEL WOJTALIK (EUA)

“Love [Me] Tender” MARY BOGDAN (Canadá)

“Kip Masker” MARIA PETSCHNIG (Áustria)



“Packaged Goods” LEAH MEYERHOFF (EUA)

“Gender Bender Hallo” ALISON WILLIAMS (África do Sul)

“Nothingness” ARZU OZKAL TELHAN (Turquia)

(8 de Junho)

“IMAGEM-PENSAMENTO” (“Image-Thought”)

"La Société du spectacle" de Guy Debord – apresentação por José Pinto

(9 de Junho)

"Deleuze – C(h)i pensa il cinema?" Curso em Vincennes – apresentação por José Gil

(15 de Junho)

"Foucault par lui-même" de Philippe Calderon e François Ewald – apresentação por António Fernando Cascais

(16 de Junho)

"Cremaster 3" de Matthew Barney – apresentação por José A. Bragança de Miranda